Tuesday, January 13, 2009

career options.

i've decided that i want to be a flight attendant. i've heard from other ladies how rewarding it is... great pay, benefits, and a flexible schedule. most of all, i think that this would be a great career for me as an aspiring photographer, because i will be able to travel for free and take photos in different destinations.

i just wish it were the 60's and the uniforms were still as amazing as they once were in this photo...


Regina Aletto said...

I mean or you could play a character in my TV pilot I wrote about a Flight Attendant School with a transexual star. Just saying.

LAUREN MAX said...

that would suffice, i suppose.

Keep it Light said...

I actually met this woman who seriously did this back in the 70's and worked for two weeks at a time and then had two weeks off to do photography! Follow your dreams.